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person opening the freezer door

Why Is My Freezer Running But Not Freezing?

The one thing that you need your freezer to do is freeze. So, when it's running but failing to fulfill its intended purpose, it's disrupting and inconvenient. If your freezer is on but has yet to reach the desired temperature…

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A woman's hand reaching for the oven rail.

Common Oven Issues & How to Fix Them

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s the place where you cook your family dinners and gather when friends are over—conversing, laughing, and enjoying all life has to offer. But, it’s difficult to create scrumptious meals if your…

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Woman cleaning with a mop her washing machine flood

How To Prevent Washing Machine Floods

Modern-day washing machines are a lifesaver that we have all learned to enjoy. If it isn’t functioning properly, the ease of cleaning your clothes may suffer. And if it doesn’t receive regular maintenance, a flooded washing machine is a sneaky…

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appliance lifespan

Common Mistakes that Shorten the Lifespan of Appliances

In the US, single-person households use an average of 10 appliances on a daily basis. As families become more technology-reliant, this number is bound to increase—and with it, the investment required to maintain and run each fixture.  That’s why it’s…

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appliance repair

5 Reasons to Repair Your Home Appliances

Since the 1970s, the residential energy use of a household has almost doubled as we’ve introduced more and more technology into our daily lives. Simultaneously, advances in that technology have made the appliances themselves more affordable, to the point where…

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