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5 Safety Tips for Home Appliances

Homeowners use multiple home appliances to perform ordinary tasks every day. From your coffee machine to your air conditioning unit, home appliances play a vital part in your routine. 

While home appliances make your life easier, several potential hazards come with the improper use of your refrigerator, washer and dryer, garbage disposal, dishwasher, and other devices.  

Home Appliance Safety Tips

When using your home appliances, there are several things you can do to maintain electrical safety and protect the lifespan of your devices. Our expert service professionals at S&S Appliance put together these safety tips for homeowners to prevent home appliance repair or breakdowns.

1. Read the Instruction Manual – Seriously! 

You receive a user’s manual for a reason. When you get a new home appliance, always start by reading and following the manufacturer’s guidelines for safely operating the machine. Store the manuals in a safe place (or save them on your computer) so that if you ever need to reference them, you know where to find them.


2. Safely Plug Your Home Appliances Into Outlets.


Electrical safety is critical when it comes to your home appliances. Whenever possible, plug home appliances directly into the wall outlets instead of power strips. It’s best to use GFCI outlets if you can, and you should plug your home appliances into separate circuits. Also, never operate your home appliances near water!


3. Check the Cords of Your Home Appliance.


Maintaining electrical safety results from checking your cords, coils, and other parts of your home appliances. Every once in a while, you’ll want to practice good electrical cord maintenance and check that your cords and plugs aren’t frayed or cracked. If a home appliance cord is damaged, stop using the appliance and call a professional.


4. Regularly Clean Your Home Appliances.


Cleaning your home appliances keeps them sanitary and safe. Remove excess crumbs, dust, and debris from your home appliances after each use. Additionally, don’t cover up your home appliances with clothes, towels, or other flammable materials. A well-cleaned home appliance will have a longer lifespan, and you’re more likely to notice when issues arise.


5. Call a Professional If You Notice Damage or Problems.


Ultimately, handling home appliances requires a lot of electrical expertise. If you notice an issue with a home appliance, it’s often not worth trying to figure it out on your own. While there are simple ways to take care of your home appliances, it’s best to call your local home appliance service company if you’re experiencing problems.  


S&S Appliance: Reliable Home Appliance Repair and Service 

At S&S Appliance, our goal is for you and your family to maintain comfort and safety in your home. Our service technicians offer high-quality repairs and service, are always on time, and are respected in our industry and our communities. 

Call us at 1-833-573-0314 to schedule an appointment or contact us online